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Reviewed publications

Journal publications

Mapping with monocular vision in two dimensions (2010)
Nicolau Leal Werneck e Anna Helena Reali Costa. International Journal of Natural Computing Research 1(4), pp. 56–65.

Event publications

Speeding up probabilistic inference of camera orientation by function approximation and grid masking (2011)
Nicolau Leal Werneck e Anna Helena Reali Costa. 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision - WSCG'2011. WSCG2011 Communication proceedings.
SLAM monocular com reconstrução de planos para ambientes internos (2010)
Nicolau Leal Werneck e Anna Helena Reali Costa. V Workshop on MSc Dissertation and PhD Thesis in Artificial Intelligence.
Monocular visual mapping with the Fast Hough Transform (2010)
Nicolau Leal Werneck e Anna Helena Reali Costa. Anais do VI Workshop de Visão Computacional, ISSN: 2175-6120.
Investigação empírica dos comportamentos de um conjunto de autômatos finitos adaptativos (2010)
Nicolau Leal Werneck. Quarto Workshop de Tecnologia Adaptativa, São Paulo.
Medição de distância e altura de bordas horizontais com visão monocular linear para robôs móveis (2009)
Nicolau Leal Werneck, Flávio Sales Truzzi e Anna Helena Reali Costa. Anais do V Workshop de Visão Computacional, ISSN: 2175-6120.
Biblioteca para Autômatos Adaptativos com regras de transição armazenadas em objetos feita em C++ (2008)
Nicolau Leal Werneck. Segundo Workshop de Tecnologia Adaptativa, pp. 22–26.
Observação de acoplamentos entre modos de vibração ortogonais em uma guitarra elétrica (2007)
Nicolau Leal Werneck. Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, p. 243–246.
Espaços homogêneos de parâmetros para controle de efeitos musicais (2005)
Nicolau Leal Werneck, Furio Damiani. II Seminário de Música, Ciência e Tecnologia, Campinas. SciElo.
A system for multimodal speech reproduction (2003)
Nicolau Leal Werneck, Lucas R. P. Malta, Leonardo Carneiro Araujo e Hani Camille Yehia (orintador), SIBGRAPI 2003, São Carlos.

Large publications

Estimação de orientação de câmera em ambientes antrópicos a partir de edgels
This link takes you to the page dedicated to my doctorate research.
Análise da distorção musical de guitarras elétricas
This link takes you to the page dedicated to my masters research.


The method I developed during my doctorate to estimate the orientation of a camera in an anthropic environemnt from a single image. It can use any possible camera model, including fisheye lenses and equirectangular images.
A small library to simulate Newtonian Dynamics with 6 degrees of freedom (general position and orientation), and also to use the Kalman filter to track objects.
I submitted a patch to Linux
(more specifically to the gspca project), which was accepted for my delight. It brings support for a new sensor to the t613 webcam chip. I just bought the camera, and had to write the driver to use it. I still don't know if anybody else ever tried it! :)
A C++ library to create adaptive finite automata, and also an interpreter for a language (SDMBA) that defines such automata. The family of automata that this library emulates is quite peculiar.

Author: Nicolau Leal Werneck

Created: 2014-03-12 Qua 14:51

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5h)
