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Adaptóide is a C++ library to create adaptive finite automata (AFA). It comes with an interpreter to a language called SDMBA, which allows to describe a simple kind of AFA.

The development is frozen since 2008, when I presented it at the WTA2008. If you would like to try it out the last version is available here: adaptoide-200801152316.

The automaton model

Adaptóide emulates non-deterministic adaptive finite automata. The adaptive functions that are used are a bit different from the traditional ones.

There are two kinds of adaptive action, one that add a new state to the machine, and other that modifies the machine transitions. The way to reference the different states in the definition of these transitions is the most peculiar characteristic of this automaton model. It uses chains of characters that must be followed through by the machine as if it were a normal, non-adaptive and deterministic finite automaton, starting from the current state where the adaptive action was called from, or from the most recent state added to the machine, which can also be referred to directly.

The grammar of the language that defines the automata is pretty simple, and sums up its main characteristics.

program = ( rule )*
rule = ( function | transition | ( "FINAL" | "INIT ") identifier ";" )
transition = name symbol name (name)? ";"
function = "FUN" ("POS" | "PRE") name ":" (action)* "END" ";"
state_fun = ("T"|"*")(symbol)*
action = ( state_fun symbol state_fun (name)? ";" | "GEN" ";")

Assignment from the Adaptive Technology discipline

This library was developed as an assignment to the Adaptive Technology discipline, at EPUSP. These are the two reports I made for the discipline (in portuguese language).

I also published two articles at the Adaptive Technology Workshop.

Biblioteca para Autômatos Adaptativos com regras de transição armazenadas em objetos feita em C++ (2008)
Nicolau Leal Werneck. WTA2008, São Paulo.
Investigação empírica dos comportamentos de um conjunto de autômatos finitos adaptativos (2010)
Nicolau Leal Werneck. WTA2010, São Paulo.

And I also turned one of the AFAs that I found into a more abstract mathematical problem, which I describe in this blog post: The Black Pearl Necklace.

Author: Nicolau Leal Werneck

Created: 2014-03-12 Qua 14:51

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5h)
